
Projects to Heal the Earth at Our Coastal Forest Sanctuary

It is in our interest to care for the Earth the way it cares for us.

The well-being of the planet is intricately linked to our own well-being, emphasizing the essential connection between the two.

Our reforesting mission is to replant the native coastal trees, restoring an ecosystem to support biodiversity.

We’ve partnered with ecologists and foresters to create a sustainability plan. Using the combined wisdom of academic and indigenous knowledge, our ecology goal is to help heal the earth, create biodiversity, and live in the latest age of fire and drought in California.

Teravana has planted over 300 trees just this year!

Our sister organization has planted 85,000 trees in Guatemala (Wellkind).
Canopy of Giving 

Join our Canopy of Giving to help us meet our goal of planting a diversity of trees at Teravana to transform the land and soil, benefiting plant growth and overall environmental health.

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Living Library Project

The Living Library nursery will soon benefit from reforestation in Northern California beyond Teravana, providing tens of thousands of trees to be planted where they are needed most. 

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Tree School 

Created by our partner The Archangel Ancient Tree Archive (AATA), Tree School provides an experiential opportunity for young people to take an active role in reforesting the planet. 

Ways to Give


Join our Canopy of Giving to help us meet our goals of archiving and protecting old-growth genetics, improving climate resilience, and bringing together artists from around the world to Teravana.
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Join our community of dedicated supporters and subscribe to help us drive positive change on an ongoing basis.
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The 730 acres of land at Teravana are a true natural wonder, offering visitors an opportunity to connect with nature and experience the beauty of the world around us.⁠
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Our Plan


Ecology is about restoring relationships with the world around us. We understand that we exist within a web of relationships: Plant dependent on Animal, Animal dependent on Plant, and all dependent on favorable conditions on this planet. There is inherent wisdom in life, and we incorporate this “knowing” into our interaction with nature and our land.

Nurture Flora & Fauna

We seek to use and restore the land for the plants and animals that live here. The Bobcat is respected by indigenous peoples as one of the most ancient and wise animals. They thrive in healthy, protective forests and in open meadows, with birds, insects, and small mammals of many kinds. By making Teravana hospitable to Bobcats, we can create an ideal environment for this elusive species, and all it is dependent upon to flourish.

We’re also establishing a native plant nursery on-site to propagate trees and shrubs most suited for our climate-changing world.

Restore Soil Health

Soil is the foundation of health for plants, animals and people. To heal the soil, we restore vital nutrients and attract more birds and animals whose droppings fertilize the soil in a virtuous, life-sustaining cycle.

Conserve Water

Today, drought, pollution, and extractive industry has diminished the quality and quantity of the earth’s water supply. We not only care for our water, but also make sure that wildlife on our land has access to healthful and abundant water. We plant native grasses with long root systems to guide life-giving rainwater deep into the ground, use permeable surfaces to capture the water and reduce harmful runoff and flooding. We seek to keep our water pure and do not not use pesticides or harmful chemicals on our land.

teravana artist residency program

Energy Plan


We aim for carbon neutrality, and harvest energy freely given by the sun with Solar panels. Solar energy is the primary source for all structures on Teravana.

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Learn more about, or participate in, forestry partnerships at Teravana.

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