Mindful MD

CME credit retreats & think tank conferences for Physicians & Healthcare professionals​

With lives on the line, the stakes for physician wellness could not be higher

The business of Healthcare hasn’t been built with a culture of wellness at its center, pushing physicians to the point of fatigue and dangerous burnout. We can and must do better for our doctors.

Physicians who report often experiencing feelings of burnout *
0 %
doctors in the U.S. die by suicide every year—over double the rate of the average American *
0 +
The amount physician burnout costs the United States each year *
$ 0 B
The odds of increased medical error when burned out *
0 x

Learn More...

The Teravana Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of both the planet and humanity, is hosting Mindful MD events. Interested in collaborating with us? Contact us here… 

Mindful MD Think Tank '22

Mindful MD gathers physician leaders for a weekend of exploration, collaboration, and Design Thinking, to create pilots to increase physician wellness in their organizations.

Topics of interest

How might we combat:
  • Compassion fatigue
  • Depersonalization
  • Low sense of accomplishment
  • Emotional exhaustion


…so that physicians leave work each day feeling supported, compassionate, capable, engaged, and accomplished?

Past Events

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